Matt's visit
Getting rid of rubbish from the local river. Get lots of help so we can have clean water and we keep our longfin eels and other eels alive and other sea creatures.
How much physical rubbish is in the stream?
- Collate total number of pieces
- What type of rubbish is the most common?
How are we going to get rid of the rubbish?
- Use nets to get it our
How are we going to keep the rubbish out?
- Put up a sign warning of the dangers of rubbish to our streams?
Cyrus and I wrote a Job Description and are going to do two Posters. Cyrus said that he is going to put one of the poster near the Heathcote river and Dylan said he has a river near is nana's house and he is going to put the poster there. Matt help us to and gave a lot of information.
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